Auction House

Full information about Establishment Auction House at 5121 Georgia 136, Trenton, GA 30752. You may find here reviews, address, phone number, website, work hours and etc.


5121 Georgia 136, Trenton, GA 30752
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+1 706-657-5588


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  • David Breeden
    Dec, 08 2017
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    This is a poor example of an auction. It regularly features out of date food items, yet the seller expects MORE than retail price on it! I attended regularly for the past two years, then as the auction started going downhill in the items offered, I attended sporadically. I went again last night, hoping it would have improved, and was very disappointed.

    There is not a wide range of items and there is not a preview period, so most people are buying blindly. I noticed last night that the audience wisely passed on many items where the seller said "I have to get $XX on that." I have seen the same seller at other auctions, with the exact same items, where the items sold for less because there was a bigger audience and he could make his profit by selling to more buyers for a lesser price.

    I summary, this auction is not worth the time for me and my family. If I want out of date food, I can buy it for half the price at my IGO store (they have a section just for those items). The Trenton auction seldom offers anything else anymore. I wish them well, but I will not be back.
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